Zaida 265 - Day 269
Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Nine - October 18th, 2011
A beautiful day. And this time there actually was green grass because we had some rain! Read more...
Brian thinks I have abandoned this blog. I swear I haven't. But the further away it gets, the harder it gets to update. But once I am on vacation I swear it is ON and there will be a million posts! BE READY!
Here's a snap from my phone the other day:
She's such a big girl now, sigh.
I promise I am going to update this eventually but with so much on my plate this can't be a priority. But here's a cute holidayish photo of Zaida to inspire you.. !
Well I never found the missing photos from the 6th and 7th even though I can even visualize at least one that I took. I even ran recovery on all my cards :( I just don't know how I could have deleted them. Anyway. I do have photos to post but I guess I have lost heart, though not given up. I will get this thing updated this week, I promise.
Read more...Well I was going through tonight, trying to get all the daily photos in order to update this thing and I appear to be missing October 6th and 7th even though I'm pretty positive I took them.. :( I have all my other days and I just don't know how I could have deleted them. Ugh. So I am actually going to run recovery on all my cards in case I might find them. I'm so pissed. I've done great all year, only missing one day.. and I could screw the whole thing up. :( That's what I get for things being so crazy. Anyway.. I'll get something up soon.
Read more...I feel terrible about missing all the posts here.. they will be coming. I have been up to my eyeballs..! Hope to get this updated tonight.
I am a slacker with a capital S. I don't know why I've fallen so behind here. Wait, yes, I do. This week has been insanity. I will try and update and queue up all the backlogged posts tomorrow. If I have time. And energy.
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