Saturday, April 30, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Ninety-Three

Day Ninety-Three - April 25th, 2011

Just hanging out while Mommy cooks dinner.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Ninety-Two

Day Ninety-Two - April 24th, 2011

Zaida's official Easter photo for the year. After all the effort with the three month photos, I didn't have the energy to do anything fancy for the Easter photo. Next year though.. watch out!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

If our world revolves around sleep, why am I so tired?

Ah, sleep. It's like the pot of gold, the holy grail, or whatever Indiana Jones is looking for. But, not for Zaida. Out of all the genetic traits she could have received from the two of us...why didn't she get Brian's easy sleeping genes? Why, oh why, did she have to receive the curse of my sleepless life? Between her disdain for going to sleep and the fact she's such a light's rough. Every nap involves at least some period of crying and fighting before she gives up. Some days it takes at least 3 tries before she's truly out. And, that's just for naps.

A few weeks ago she had a great night. A 6-7 hour stretch, one feed, and then another 4 hours or so. I was elated. But the following night she woke up around six times. And it's never been close to good since then. Last night was a stellar example of sleepless hell. She woke up twice between 7:30 and 10 PM and woke up every hour and a half after that as well. Then around 3 she was up and she would not back to sleep. I tried to nurse her. I tried the pacifier (which, I still hate, but that's another post), I tried just ignoring her. Nothing worked. I felt out of my mind with frustration. She was finally back asleep a little after five AM and slept until 7 PM. I'm pretty sure that was the longest continuous stretch we had all night.


It was suggested that we get the No Cry Sleep Solution, so I just ordered it. I'm pretty sure that the no crying is meant for me, because that's the point I was at last night. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the book and will read it promptly. Fingers crossed..


Zaida 365 - Day Ninety-One

Day Ninety-One - April 23rd, 2011

A long, tiring day for our now three month old little girl. We participated in the Great Cloth Diaper change in an attempt to create a world record. Something for the baby book.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Ninety

Day Ninety - April 22nd, 2011

An outtake during Zaida's official three month session (coming soon!).


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fun with Digital Scrapbooking

I've looked at this kind of thing in the past but this is the first time I've ever played with it!

Fun stuff!


Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Nine

Day Eighty-Nine - April 21st, 2011

I can never tire of her smile!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Eight

Day Eighty-Eight - April 20th, 2011

I can't even come up with a caption as witty as this is cute. Library day again.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Seven

Day Eighty-Seven - April 19th, 2011

I think she looks like me in this shot. It's funny because it varies daily on who she looks like. She's such a perfect mix!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Great expectations are not so great.

I've been having all these inner mommy dialogues with myself. I keep thinking they would be good blog fodder. Hey, I could be one of those cool, entertaining, mommy bloggers. As if I wasn't already not succeeding at the things I try to do every day. I kept saying to myself that I didn't have any particular expectations of what life would be like after Zaida was born. Honestly, I didn't think I had them. But, now I realize I did.

I figured there would be a learning curve after becoming a new parent, but I didn't realize I would still be having my ass kicked on a daily basis three months in. In the scheme of things, three months is not that long, and I know this in my head. But the over-achiever part of me feels like such a failure. It's still a struggle to get daily things done. Even running one errand is an epic outing. Little things like popping into the post office seem like a journey that needs a game plan.

Beating myself up is never productive. I try and tell myself we'll get there. It won't always be exactly like this. We will find a new normal.

At least, I hope so.


Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Six

Day Eighty-Six - April 18th, 2011

Experimenting with chewing on Sophie.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Five

Day Eighty-Five - April 16th, 2011

I love how delicate and girly she looks here. :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Four

Day Eighty-Four - April 16th, 2011

Brian snapped this while Zaida was lying in my lap in my office chair, like she often does.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Three

Day Eighty-Three - April 15th, 2011

It's amazing how fast she's growing. She holds up her head higher and higher every time. She still isn't a fan of tummy time but she is tolerating it longer now. I think the fact she is making progress encourages her. :)


Monday, April 18, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-Two

Day Eighty-Two - April 14th, 2011

Hanging out on the playmat we're borrowing from Aunt Stephanie. It's got lots of fun noises to explore!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty-One

Day Eighty-One - April 13th, 2011

We hadn't done a mini-session for a couple of weeks so we headed to the backyard. Zaida was a bit tired, so she wasn't particularly smiley, but I love her concentration face!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Eighty

Day Eighty - April 12th, 2011

I can't get enough of her big round eyes.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Nine

Day Seventy-Nine - April 11th, 2011

A quick snap while visiting Aunt Stephanie. I feel like her face is constantly changing.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Eight

Day Seventy-Eight - April 10th, 2011

In a surprisingly good mood after a busy day of attending her cousin's birthday party and going out to eat.


Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Seven

Day Seventy-Seven - April 9th, 2011

Playing with Daddy.

It feels like summer is creeping up fast. The good about about being a baby, is it's cool to hang out in your underwear.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Six

Day Seventy-Six - April 8th, 2011

Playing airplane; she really seemed to enjoy it.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Five

Day Seventy-Five - April 7th, 2011

Hanging out in bed, pre-nap.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Four

Day Seventy-Four - April 6th, 2011

Another visit to the library! They have these adorable child sized chairs. Zaida loved sitting in one.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Three

Day Seventy-Three - April 5th, 2011

Even though Zaida still hates tummy time, she's all of the sudden made great progress. She can hold her head up pretty high. She always does great with head control while being in a supported sit, but that tummy time still gives us trouble.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Two

Day Seventy-Two - April 4th, 2011

I have been planning on taking Zaida to get some cliche, cheesy photos in bluebonnets and since my brother and mother were at my house, we decided to go Monday evening. Several things were working against us. One, it was rather chilly and VERY windy. Two, I had the baby, the hairbows, and the boppy, but guess what I didn't have? My camera. Brian had to bring it to me. We shot for MAYBE five minutes. Leora (my niece) didn't want to sit and hold Zaida but we got a pretty good shot of my Mother holding two of her nieces. Plus this little cutie. Zaida was such a trooper! I am actually planning on going back out on a nicer day and shooting some more.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-One

Day Seventy-One - April 3rd, 2011

She looks so perfect. :)


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Seventy

Day Seventy - April 2nd, 2011

Being a ham in my Mima's lap at Jonathan's wedding. She got passed around from person to person and never had a melt-down, despite going on little sleep (baby wise, anyway!).


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Sixty-Nine

Day Sixty-Nine - April 1st, 2011

April already? Zaida listens to her Grammy (my Mother) read her a story. We have a house full in anticipation of my brother's wedding the following day (the 2nd).


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Sixty-Eight

Day Sixty-Eight - March 31st, 2011

Do I really have to say anything? The feeling in your chest is only your heart exploding over the sheer cuteness.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Sixty-Seven

Day Sixty-Seven - March 30th, 2011

Zaida and her new friend Grayson (three weeks older) after their Babies and Books group at the library. A woman said I was a "very ambitious mother". I'll take that as a compliment.


Zaida 365 - Day Sixty-Six

Day Sixty-Six - March 29th, 2011

I decided to reuse Zaida's Valentine's Day outfit since she had only worn it for maybe 20 minutes and that's awfully wasteful. It amazes me how interactive she is now.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Sixty-Five

Day Sixty-Five - March 28th, 2011

I busted out the macro to catch a shot of Zaida's eyelashes, which have gotten so much darker and thicker since she was born.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Sixty-Four

Day Sixty-Four - March 27th, 2011

I have wanted to take an updated bath photo for a while now, but I've been bathing Zaida while Brian is away so I haven't had the opportunity. But she got a bath while Daddy was home so I took the opportunity to snap one of my favorite shots to date.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Zaida 365 - Day Sixty-Three

Day Sixty-Three - March 26th, 2011

We had our first wedding of the year on the 26th, so I had been getting all the camera gear ready for the wedding. I kept telling myself.. don't forget to take a shot of Zaida, don't forget to take a shot of Zaida. I still forgot. Luckily, Brian's parents were watching her and snapped a couple. I'm just waiting to get copies. It's not the same but at least there won't be a true blank space.


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