Zaida 365 - Day Seventy-Two
Day Seventy-Two - April 4th, 2011
I have been planning on taking Zaida to get some cliche, cheesy photos in bluebonnets and since my brother and mother were at my house, we decided to go Monday evening. Several things were working against us. One, it was rather chilly and VERY windy. Two, I had the baby, the hairbows, and the boppy, but guess what I didn't have? My camera. Brian had to bring it to me. We shot for MAYBE five minutes. Leora (my niece) didn't want to sit and hold Zaida but we got a pretty good shot of my Mother holding two of her nieces. Plus this little cutie. Zaida was such a trooper! I am actually planning on going back out on a nicer day and shooting some more.
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